We advise and assist our clients on Dutch anti-corruption legislation, as well as on FCPA and UKBA compliance and enforcement matters.
We assist our clients in classifying their goods against the relevant EU and US regulations, e.g. the dual-use regulation, the EU Military List, sanctions regulations, the Commerce Control List and the United States Munitions List. In case you wish to submit a classification request with the Dutch or US authorities, we can assist you with this submission.
We draft and implement compliance policies and procedures for our clients. We prefer our policies and procedures to be thorough but relatively short and simple. We believe that this is crucial for effective and efficient compliance.
We advise and assist our clients with regard to all aspects of economic sanctions and embargo regulations, both from an EU and a US perspective, as both of these legal systems are crucial in international business.
We advise and assist our clients with regard to all aspects of export control regulations, including those related to dual-use goods, software and technology.
We advise and assist our clients with regard to all aspects of export control regulations, including those related to military, defence and aerospace goods, services and technical data.
We advise and assist our clients in applications for export licenses with the Dutch and US authorities.
In case a governmental authority engages in an investigation, whether criminal enforcement or otherwise, relating to sanctions or export controls, we assist and represent our clients in such investigations. Our general approach in such investigations is to endeavour to resolve the enforcement issue in the most efficient and painless way. We are widely experienced in both Dutch and US (OFAC) enforcement procedures.
We also perform internal audits and gap analyses of our clients’ trade law compliance. In case of an alleged violation of sanctions and export control regulations, we also engage in internal investigations at the request of our client.
We carry out due diligence on behalf of our clients in case of an acquisition, in order to establish whether any gaps exist in the compliance of the target, and to subsequently close these gaps.
An important part of the internal compliance is the training of the board, senior management and the staff. We are widely experienced in this. Our trainings are characterized by a clear explanation of the legal theory, combined with many case studies and practical examples. We can provide in-house trainings, webinars and e-learnings.
Many sanctions and export controls also have implications for the transportation and shipping of goods. We advise and assist our clients on these aspects as well.
In case a violation of sanctions or export controls has been found, it can sometimes be beneficial to voluntarily self-disclose this violation with the competent authorities. We have wide experience with VSDs in both the Netherlands and the US and assist and represent our clients throughout the procedure of the disclosure.
BenninkAmar Advocaten
Joan Muyskenweg 22
1096 CJ Amsterdam
E-mail / info@batradelaw.com
Phone / +31203085918