Eline Mooring
E / eline.mooring@batradelaw.com
T / +31 (0)6 1304 9000

Eline is a specialist in the field of international trade law. Her practice focuses on all matters related to import and export of goods, services and technology, such as export controls, sanctions, customs law and food and product safety. Eline both advises and litigates and represents national and international companies and organisations.

Before joining BenninkAmar Advocaten, Eline worked at the Rotterdam based law firm Kneppelhout for four years. Eline graduated in European Law from Leiden University. As part of her master, she studied for six months at the Universitat de Barcelona. In 2019, Eline followed the Indirect Tax programme at the University of Amsterdam.

Eline regularly writes articles for various journals in the field of export controls and sanctions. In 2020, Eline also contributed to the Dutch chapter of Sanctions in Europe, published by WorldECR, a leading journal on export controls and sanctions.

Eline joined BenninkAmar Advocaten in March 2022.